Motivational Interviewing: Module 4

Module 4 Outline:

This module starts with the illustration of the four processes, and more, using the unique opportunity provided by a willing workshop participant. She agrees to a series of unrehearsed simulations that allow me to describe a case, and proceed, breaking for discussion whenever it felt useful. Its not perfect, or perfectly realistic, but it does come to life nonetheless. My attitude was that its only by making mistakes that I will learn!

MI is a very client-centered activity, but it's not the same as client or patient-centered practice, it's more than that. If you like, it's client-centered counseling with a purpose. This next interview with Bill Miller and myself makes this point well.

One day I worked with a colleague in experimental interviews with clients. What emerged was this practical interview strategy for exploring someone’s motivation to change. Listen to this exchange about the potential.

There’s a tricky challenge often encountered in mental health, where someone seems very unmotivated. Listen to this discussion about developing discrepancy.