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Depression diagnoses increase by 20% a year.
Are you ready to help these new clients?

As a therapist, you probably see more cases of depression than anything else in your practice, but it remains one of the most challenging conditions to accurately assess and treat. In recent years, however, a range of useful interventions—many with growing levels of empirical support—have emerged to offer clinicians like you a variety of treatment approaches to choose from.

Update and enhance your toolkit for nudging depressed clients into action, help them take charge of their cognitive habits, regulate negative mood states, and rediscover hope.
Fill your treatment toolbox with concrete approaches to keep your practice on the cutting edge! This online course includes 6 hour-long video conversations with today's leading innovators. Watch them at your own pace while earning up to 6 CE hours from the comfort of home.
New Hope for the Depressed Client

$299.99 Value
Today ONLY $164.99
Plus, earn up to 6 CE Hours included in the course tuition. Click here for Credit details
You'll Get 6 Sessions on the Latest in Depression Treatment
Lifting the Trance of Depression
Bill O'Hanlon, MS
Explore a variety of techniques drawn from recent neuroscience findings, Ericksonian hypnosis, and other brief therapy approaches to awaken clients from the bad trance of depression, including:
  • Marbling depression with non-depression
  • Shifting your client's relationship with depression
  • Restoring social connection
  • Envisioning a future with possibilities
  • Restarting brain growth
Bill O'Hanlon, MS, has been a psychotherapist since 1977. He's written more than 30 books that have been translated into 16 languages. He's appeared on Oprah and been featured in national magazines and media.
Overcoming Resistance in Depression Treatment
David Burns, MD
Develop a more powerful and effective approach to shortening depression treatment by learning to:
  • Recognize the role of both process and outcome resistance in preventing change
  • Use paradoxical agenda setting before assuming that the depressed client is actually seeking change
  • Explore methods that intensify the therapist-client alliance and generate deep motivation for full engagement in treatment
  • Discover the hidden emotions that underlie depression
  • Help clients develop relapse prevention plans
David Burns, MD, adjunct clinical professor emeritus of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Stanford University School of Medicine, was awarded the A.E. Bennett Award for research on brain chemistry. His books include "When Panic Attacks" and "Feeling Good".
Depression: An Experiential Approach
Michael Yapko, PhD
View video clips of a clinical interview and expand your range of active, skill-building techniques with depressed clients by:
  • Reviewing the advantages of therapy vs. meds
  • Helping them make new discriminations that shift their perspective on their problems
  • Exploring the key role of hypnosis, dissociation, and suggestion in depression treatment
  • Learning how to convert global cognitions into a linear flow of steps
  • Incorporating homework assignments that promote active learning into your approach
Michael Yapko, PhD, a clinical psychologist and marriage and family therapist, is the author of 12 books, including Treating Depression with Hypnosis; Hand-Me-Down Blues: How to Stop Depression; and Breaking the Patterns of Depression.
The Mindful Way Through Depression
Zindel Segal, PhD
Bring the insights of mindfulness traditions into your work with depressed clients by:
  • Distinguishing cognitive therapy and mindfulness practice
  • Teaching them how to use the “3 Minute Breathing Space” and other skills as part of an 8-week group program
  • Helping them cultivate choicefulness through meta-cognition and developing both narrow focus and wide-open awareness practices
  • Guiding them to prepare a personalized Relapse Prevention Kit
  • Developing your own mindfulness practice
Zindel Segal, PhD, is head of the Cognitive Behavior Therapy Clinic of the Mood and Anxiety Disorders Program at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto.
When Depression and Anxiety Co-Occur
Margaret Wherenberg, PsyD
Identify seven types of anxious/depressed clients and how to approach each one, including how to:
  • Motivate the low-energy client and redirect the hopeless ruminative
  • Calm the panicky depressive and introduce choice with the worried exhausted client
  • Break the routines of the quiet avoider and teach balance to the high-energy depressive
  • Challenge the highly anxious depressed client
Margaret Wehrenberg, PsyD, specializes in anxiety treatment. She's the author of The 10 Best-Ever Anxiety Management Techniques and The 10 Best-Ever Depression Management Techniques.
The Cognitive Therapy of Depression
Judith Beck, PhD
Learn powerful techniques for bringing about enduring changes in depression symptoms by:
  • Conducting first interviews that not only collect history and data, but generate hope, connection, and goals that guide treatment
  • Gathering information about previous treatment that help you avoid dead ends and mistakes
  • Understanding that talk isn't enough and the important role of writing things down, regular follow-up, and between-session homework
  • Focusing on small steps in behavioral activation and action plans
  • Incorporating a range of methods, including experiential techniques and childhood work, into your cognitive orientation
Judith Beck, PhD, is the President of the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Philadelphia, a nonprofit that trains therapists in cognitive therapy. Her books include Cognitive Therapy for Challenging Problems: What to Do When the Basics Don't Work and Cognitive Therapy of Personality Disorders.
Fill your treatment toolbox with concrete approaches to keep your practice on the cutting edge! This online course includes 6 hour-long video conversations with today's leading innovators. Watch them at your own pace while earning up to 6 CE hours from the comfort of home.
New Hope for the Depressed Client

$299.99 Value
Just $164.99 Today — Unbelievable Savings!
Are you ready for...
  1. The latest research about what works when treating depression and what doesn't
  2. The do's and don'ts of combining antidepressant medication with talk therapy
  3. Concrete guidance on the most important factors in starting therapy on the right note
  4. Practical tips on the crucial role of homework and behavioral activation with depressed clients
  5. New mind-body and mindfulness approaches, and how to use them with depressed clients
  6. Everything you need to know about relapse prevention
The Next Steps in Advancing Your Practice
Watch your email for your order confirmation, and get instant access to all course materials, including the bonus materials — all designed to help you effectively integrate the latest in depression treatment into your practice and your life. Click here for course objectives and outline.
Review the course materials at your own pace and at your convenience! You'll have unlimited access to all course videos and materials online forever. Plus, use the PESI Mobile™ app to access the course content on-the-go, wherever and whenever you want on your mobile devices.
Instantly collaborate with other professionals on the course materials through interactive message boards. You'll be part of a community of hundreds of practitioners all focused on integrating concrete depression treatment approaches in clinical practice, providing valuable opportunities to share insight and experiences and to build your professional network.
Complete your online CE tests and earn up to 6 CE hours! Click here for Credit details and credit details specific to your profession.
Meet the Course Experts:
Bill O'Hanlon, MS, LMFT
Bill O'Hanlon, MS, LMFT, has authored or co-authored 31 books, the latest being Quick Steps to Resolving Trauma (W.W. Norton, 2010). He has published 59 articles or book chapters. His books have been translated into 16 languages. He has appeared on Oprah (with his book Do One Thing Different), The Today Show, and a variety of other television and radio programs.

For the past 30+ years, Bill has given over 2,000 talks around the world. He has been a top-rated presenter at many national conferences and was awarded the Outstanding Mental Health Educator of the Year in 2001 by the New England Educational Institute. He is a Licensed Mental Health Professional, Certified Professional Counselor, and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Bill is clinical member of AAMFT (and winner of the 2003 New Mexico AMFT Distinguished Service Award), certified by the National Board of Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists and a Fellow and a Board Member of the American Psychotherapy Association. Bill is known for his storytelling, irreverent humor, clear and accessible style and his boundless enthusiasm for whatever he is doing. His seminars are as entertaining as they are educational.
David D. Burns, MD
David D. Burns, MD, is an emeritus adjunct clinical professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Stanford University School of Medicine. His best-selling books, Feeling Good and the Feeling Good Handbook, have sold over five million copies worldwide.

Although he was a pioneer in the development of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), in the past 10 years he has created a more powerful approach called TEAM-CBT. Individuals who attend this workshop will be eligible for Level 1 TEAM certification by the Feeling Good Institute in Mt. View, California.

More than 50,000 therapists have attended his training programs over the past 35 years. His website,>, offers many free resources for therapists and clients alike, including his tremendously popular Feeling Good Podcasts which draw more than 50,000 downloads per month.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: David Burns receives royalties from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: David Burns has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.
Michael D. Yapko, PhD
Michael D. Yapko, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and marriage and family therapist residing in Fallbrook, California. He is internationally recognized for his work in depression and outcome-focused psychotherapy, routinely teaching to professional audiences all over the world. To date, he has been invited to present his innovative ideas and strategic methods to colleagues in 30 countries across six continents, and all over the United States.

Dr. Yapko has had a special interest which spans more than three decades in the intricacies of brief therapy, the clinical applications of directive and experiential methods, and proactively treating the disorder of major depression. He is the author of a dozen books and editor of three others, and numerous book chapters and articles on these subjects. These include his forthcoming book, Mindfulness and Hypnosis (scheduled for release from W.W. Norton in late 2011), his newest book, Depression is Contagious: How the Most Common Mood Disorder is Spreading Around the World and How to Stop It, as well as Hand-Me-Down Blues: How to Stop Depression from Spreading in Families, Treating Depression with Hypnosis, and Breaking the Patterns of Depression. His works have been translated into nine languages.

Dr. Yapko is a member of the American Psychological Association, a clinical member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, a member of the International Society of Hypnosis, and a Fellow of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. He is the recipient of numerous awards for his contributions to the field of psychotherapy. More information about Dr. Yapko's work is available on his website:
Zindel Segal, PhD
Zindel Segal, PhD, is the Morgan Firestone Chair in Psychotherapy in the department of psychiatry at the University of Toronto and head of the Cognitive Therapy Unit at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.
Margaret Wehrenberg, PsyD
Margaret Wehrenberg, PsyD, a licensed clinical psychologist, is the author of 6 books on the treatment of anxiety and depression, including her most recent book for the general public, The 10 Best Anxiety Busters. An expert on the treatment of anxiety and depression, she has extensive training and expertise in the neurobiology of psychological disorders. She earned her M.A. specializing in psychodrama and play therapy with children. Dr. Wehrenberg has years of experience as a drug and alcoholism counselor, working with the U.S. Army in Germany and Lutheran Social Services in Illinois. She also has training in trauma treatment, EMDR and Thought Field Therapy. She has a private psychotherapy practice in Naperville, IL, specializing in treating anxiety.

In addition to clinical work, she coaches business professionals on managing anxiety, she frequently contributes articles for Psychotherapy Networker magazine, and she has produced Relaxation for Tension and Worry, a CD for breathing, muscle relaxation and imagery to use with anxious clients. Her book, The 10 Best-Ever Anxiety Management Techniques, published by W.W. Norton, is a consistent top seller for anxiety management. You can find her on the web at
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Margaret Wehrenberg maintains a private practice. She is an author with W.W. Norton publishing and receives royalties. She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: Margaret Wehrenberg is a member of the American Psychological Association and the Anxiety Disorder Association of America.
Judith S. Beck, PhD
Judith S. Beck, PhD, is the Director of the Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research in suburban Philadelphia and Clinical Associate Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania where she teaches psychiatry residents. She received her doctoral degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1982.

Dr. Beck directs the three major functions of the Beck Institute: educating professionals in cognitive therapy through a variety of training programs, clinical care and research. She currently divides her time between administration, supervision and teaching, clinical work, program development, research and writing. Dr. Beck is a consultant for several NIMH studies and presents workshops nationally and internationally on cognitive therapy for a wide variety of psychiatric disorders and medical problems with psychological components. She has written numerous articles and chapters on various applications of cognitive therapy. Dr. Beck is the author of the primary text in the field, Cognitive Therapy: Basics and Beyond, which has been translated into 20 languages. Her other books include Cognitive Therapy for Challenging Problems: What to Do when the Basics Don't Work, The Oxford Textbook of Psychotherapy, and Cognitive Therapy of Personality Disorders. She has written a cognitive behavioral book and workbook for consumers, The Beck Diet Solution: Training Your Brain to Think Like a Thin Person, and her latest book is The Complete Beck Diet for Life (for more information about the diet books and diet workshops, visit

Dr. Beck is a Distinguished Founding Fellow and Past President of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy.
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New Hope for the Depressed Client

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