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Many therapy approaches focus on changing emotions… but we've learned that's not always the best way to help a client.

Why struggle with feelings when we know accepting them (yes, even the uncomfortable ones) can lead to a more valued-directed life for our clients?!

ACT has helped countless people living with anxiety, depression, and other disorders like OCD and PTSD, take action to improve their quality of life.

Here's your chance to learn this powerful psychotherapy from the next generation of ACT experts with our NEW online course.

Featuring 5 on-demand video modules and a comprehensive therapy guide — complete with mindfulness scripts, printable ACT therapy worksheets, transcripts from sessions with line-by-line analysis, and 55+ practices to build connection, find focus, & reduce stress!

PLUS, exclusive to this offer, you'll get a bonus recorded Q&A call with renowned ACT expert Daniel Moran, PhD, BCBA-D!

Compassionately influence the way your clients think about their thoughts and feelings, the world, and even themselves, and take them from struggling to an invigorating and meaningful life.

ACT in Action: Treatment Essentials for
PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, & Other Psychological Distresses

A $666.93 Value
Yours Today for Just $199.99
Earn up to 13.25 CE Hours at no additional cost to you!
Click here for Credit details | Click here for course objectives and outline
Join the thousands of clinicians already expanding their practice and improving
client outcomes, thanks to what they learned from our team of ACT experts:

The Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Training
Recommended Most by Clinicians!

A $666.93 Value
Yours Today for Just $199.99
Get evidence-based ACT strategies for anxiety, depression, intrusive thoughts, substance abuse,
disordered eating, self-injury, negative body image & more!
Click here for Credit details | Click here for course objectives and outline
Here's What You'll Learn:

ACT for PTSD, Anxiety, Depression & Personality Disorders

Join ACT expert Daniel J. Moran, Ph.D., BCBA-D, for 3 exercise and intervention-heavy video modules that will give you the tools to more effectively treat clients with PTSD, anxiety, depression, or personality disorders.

You'll learn how ACT weaves mindfulness strategies with cognitive-behavioral change strategies to revolutionize client outcomes, as well as discover a variety of ACT techniques for helping clients who are struggling to make difficult behavior changes due to the presence of painful thoughts, feelings, and memories.

Module One — The ACT Model

  • The Story of Language & Why We Suffer with It
  • Language as a double-edged sword
  • Goal: Psychological flexibility
  • Limitations of the research & potential risks

Module Two — Components of the ACT Model

  • Acceptance: Foster Client Acceptance of Emotions to Increase Values-Based Action
    • What should be accepted?
    • The problem with controlling thoughts
    • Spot common phrases of non-acceptance
    • Experiential avoidance
    • How to help clients understand acceptance
    • Experiential Exercise: The finger trap

  • Defusion: Change the Way Clients Interact with Their Thoughts
    • Undermine unhelpful language processes
    • Give clients skills to notice their thoughts
    • How to decrease the influence of unhelpful thoughts
    • Aid clients in changing the functions of their thoughts
    • Experiential Exercise: Notice and diminish the impact of language

  • Self-As-Context: Aid Clients in Establishing Their Identities
    • The three different versions of the self
    • How to describe the "observer self" to clients
    • How to distance the self from thoughts & emotions
    • The chessboard metaphor
    • Experiential Exercise: "I am" exercise

  • Contact with the Present Moment: Strategies to Build Attention to the Here & Now
    • How language affects mindfulness
    • Looking at mindfulness from a behavioral science perspective
    • ThoughtFit exercises
    • How do we teach clients to be mindful?
    • Obstacles to teaching mindfulness
    • Experiential Exercise: Mindfulness meditation
  • Values: Aid Clients in Deciding What Gives Live Meaning
    • What are values?
    • How to help clients author their values
    • Values vs. goals
    • When clients are "stuck"
    • Values assessment
    • Batteries exercise
    • Epitaph exercise

  • Committed Action: Assist Clients in Behaving in the Service of Chosen Values
    • Assuming persistent inaction, impulsivity, or avoidance
    • Exposure & ritual prevention strategies
    • Incorporating other evidence-based approaches
    • The Mindful Action Plan

Module Three — ACT in Action

  • PTSD
    • Function of trauma symptoms
    • Experiential avoidance in PTSD
    • Increase psychological safety
    • Dominating concepts of the past & future
    • Trauma-informed mindfulness exercises

  • Anxiety
    • Client avoidance & escape strategies
    • Assessment tools
    • Address reason-giving as a barrier
    • Strategies to increase willingness
    • Anxiety Detector exercise

  • Depression
    • Values contradiction
    • How experiential avoidance impacts depression
    • Fusion to the damaged conceptualized self
    • Behavioral activation strategies

  • Personality Disorders
    • Coping strategies
    • Increase emotional tolerance
    • Target the client's story
    • Experiential avoidance from the therapist

ACT for Substance Abuse, Self-Injury, Psychosis, Eating Disorders, Body Acceptance and More

Let ACT experts Sydney Kroll, PsyD, and Diana Hill, Ph.D., show you how to apply effective ACT strategies to virtually any client population, including those struggling with substance abuse, self-injury, disorder eating, and more. After completing these 2 on-demand video modules, you'll walk away with valuable skills and tangible resources you can immediately use in your practice for better client outcomes and a greater sense of purpose as a clinician.

Plus, you'll discover ways to help clients accept the body they inhabit and use it to pursue meaningful activities even as they experience distressing thoughts, feelings, and memories.

Module Four — Act for All Populations

  • The Empirical Evidence
    • Relational frame theory (RFT)
    • Cognitive psychology
    • Third wave of behavioral interventions
    • Supporting evidence
    • Transdiagnostic nature of ACT

  • Psychological Flexibility
    • Hexaflex Model
    • Paradigm shift

  • Pain Vs. Suffering
    • Avoidance
    • Creative hopelessness
    • What's the goal?

  • Interventions
    • Practicing mindfulness (traditional and innovative strategies)
    • Teaching clients to get out of their minds
    • Presenting acceptance in a way people will accept
    • Exploring observing self
    • Values exploration
    • Making committed actions in service of values
  • Application Issues
    • Individual therapy
    • Group therapy
    • Inpatient
    • Behavioral health settings
    • ACT and psychopharmacology issues

  • Resources for Further Training
    • Collaboration and support
    • Formal trainings
    • Applying ACT in your unique settings

Module Five — The ACT Model

  • Different Approach to Body Image Struggles
    • Not depending on body positivity or approval
    • Acceptance vs approval when it comes to body image
    • Building psychological flexibility

  • Help clients unhook from Negative Thoughts and Feelings
    • Strategies to develop the courage to start doing what is important to them
    • Working with the body image they have
    • Values-based action plans

  • Limitations of the research and potential risks

BONUS — Recorded Q&A Call with ACT expert DJ Moran
+ ACT eBook Bonus Bundle! (a $166.96 value — YOURS FREE).

On-Demand Q&A Call with CE!

Get answers to all of your clinical questions and more with ACT expert DJ Moran! Not only gain access to expert insight but walk away with specific strategies for implementing ACT into your practice right away.

Get unlimited access to the call recording — so you can apply expert ACT strategies to specific cases throughout your professional career — plus earn up to 1.0 CE Hour.

The ACT Approach: A Comprehensive Guide for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

The ultimate ACT resource all clinicians need to move their clients and therapy forward.

Combining the foundational knowledge of ACT with practical guidance, strategies, and techniques, you can begin to use ACT immediately with any client that walks through your door. Highly recommended by other ACT experts, this workbook is filled with unique tools you won't find anywhere else.

A $29.99 Value ... Yours FREE with registration!

ACT With Anxiety: An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Workbook to Get You Unstuck from Anxiety and Enrich Your Life
with Richard Sears, PsyD, Ph.D., MBA, ABPP | Click here for information about Richard Sears

Although many of us attempt to deal with anxiety by pushing it away or trying to avoid it altogether, this often has the paradoxical effect of making it worse. Fortunately, new research reveals how to break free from the anxiety trap.

In this engaging and easy-to-read workbook, Dr. Sears provides detailed explanations, case examples, and practical worksheets to show you how to work with your anxiety instead of trying to battle against it.

A $29.99 Value ... Yours FREE with registration!

The ACT Deck: 55 Acceptance & Commitment Therapy Practices to Build Connection, Find Focus and Reduce Stress
with Timothy Gordon, MSW, RSW | Jessica Borushok, Ph.D. | Click here for information about Timothy Gordon

A must-have tool for therapy, classrooms, or at home. These cards ask tough questions, encourage meaningful action, and provide new perspectives to help you let go of negative thoughts and live in the present moment.

Using mindfulness and acceptance strategies, this highly practical deck can help anyone suffering from stress, anxiety & depression, chronic pain, relationship problems, focus and attention issues, painful memories & feelings, and so much more.

A $16.99 Value ... Yours FREE with registration!
ACT in Action:
Treatment Essentials for PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, & Other Psychological Distresses

A $666.93 Value
Yours Today for Just $199.99

Earn up to 13.25 CE Hours at no additional cost to you!
Click here for Credit details | Click here for course objectives and outline

Daniel J. Moran, Ph.D., BCBA-D,
is the former president of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS), the international ACT organization with over 8,000 members worldwide. He co-authored the first case conceptualization manual for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy entitled ACT in Practice (New Harbinger) and served on the first ACT training committee. He also recently published Committed Action in Practice (New Harbinger) and Finding Your Why & Finding Your Way will be coming out soon, and he will be bringing the topics of these books to this workshop.

As a recognized ACT Trainer in the ACBS community, Dr. Moran has an engaging training style that has led him to be an invited keynote speaker for many events in the last decade. He has also been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Network, TLC, and The Discovery Channel discussing the treatment of many clinical disorders. He has published several articles and book chapters, including publications with CBT pioneer Albert Ellis and ACT pioneer Steven Hayes.

Click here for information about Daniel J. Moran

Sydney Kroll, PsyD,
is a licensed psychologist with the state of Texas and has worked in various settings, including corrections, university counseling centers, behavioral health, and the VA hospital for the past 15 years. A doctoral graduate in clinical psychology from Baylor University, Dr. Kroll has utilized Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in her clinical work with Veterans for the past decade and now in her private practice. In conjunction with her clinical experience, she has trained other professionals across the behavioral health spectrum in ACT, mindfulness-based psychotherapy, and other evidence-based practices. Currently, she serves on the Board of Trustees for both the Texas Psychological Association and Texas Psychological Foundation, as well as other local and state leadership roles.

Click here for information about Sydney Kroll

Diana Hill, Ph.D.,
is a clinical psychologist and co-author of ACT Daily Journal: Get Unstuck and Live Fully with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. She sees herself as a psychological flexibility guide, where she provides therapy, supervision, and online trainings to help people identify what matters to them, and take action toward a meaningful life. As host of the popular podcast, Your Life in Process, Diana offers conversations and practical tools that integrate modern psychology with the wisdom of traditions and integrative health. Her work with eating and body image concerns integrates values clarification, acceptance, and committed action toward meaningful goals. Through Diana's teachings, she encourages clients to build psychological flexibility so that they can live more fulfilling lives. She has a knack for unpacking complex, science-based concepts and making them applicable to clinical practice and daily life.

Click here for information about Diana Hill


Frequently Asked Questions

Our dynamic self-study training teaches you how to combine ACT mindfulness strategies with cognitive-behavioral change strategies to transform client outcomes for any patient population in any setting. You'll discover a variety of ACT interventions for helping clients who are struggling to make difficult behavior changes due to the presence of painful thoughts, feelings, and memories.

This course was designed for social workers, counselors, psychologists, physicians, marriage and family therapists, addiction counselors, psychotherapists, case managers, nurses, mental health professionals, therapists, and other helping profession.

Whether you're pairing it with CBT, DBT, other research-supported treatments, or using it on its own, ACT therapy can help your clients embrace their thoughts and feelings (yes, even the uncomfortable ones) to allow them to live a more fulfilled life. ACT can effectively treat PTSD, anxiety, depression, OCD, substance abuse, self-injury, disordered eating, negative body image, chronic pain, and more.

With over 12 hours of online video training, insightful commentary, interventions, and examples, you will have compelling new clinical strategies that you can immediately start applying in your practice! We encourage you to take the time to fully absorb everything. Watch the videos. Read the materials. Get your CE hours!

But, if you review all of the course materials and are still not satisfied, give us a call at 800-844-8260. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Yes! Once you register for this self-directed training, you'll have unlimited, on-demand access to all course materials allowing you to continue your education — and grow your practice — around your own busy schedule.

ACT in Action: Treatment Essentials for
PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, & Other Psychological Distresses

A $666.93 Value
Yours Today for Just $199.99
Earn up to 13.25 CE Hours at no additional cost to you!
Click here for Credit details | Click here for course objectives and outline
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Register for this intensive training course without risk. If you're not completely satisfied, give us a call at 800-844-8260.

We’re that confident you'll find this learning experience to be all that's promised and more than you expected.

NOTE: No additional discounts or coupons may be applied to this course.
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