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Become an elite-trained traumatologist with this distinguished masterclass!

From their days working side-by-side in Bessel van der Kolk's trauma center as supervisors to present…

Dr. Frank Anderson and Dr. Janina Fisher have shaped the field of trauma treatment.

Frank has made Internal Family Systems therapy easy and accessible to therapists everywhere. Janina perfected the use of Polyvagal, Parts Work and pioneered Somatic psychotherapy, changing what we know about the body and trauma.

In this one-of-a-kind course, you jump straight into the therapy room with both Frank and Janina — so you can learn the nuances of treating trauma in a truly effective, integrative way.

Not only will you get the unique perspectives of two leading traumatologists treating the same client, but you will gain step-by-step instruction on complex trauma assessment strategies, real-life case study scenarios, and insights so you'll know how each approach works from beginning to end.

Here's the exclusive content you'll explore…

  • Witness first-hand the strengths and limitations of each approach in real-life situations
  • Develop the ability to tailor treatment plans through an integrated framework
  • Enhance your critical thinking and flexibility — there's no one "right way" to do therapy!
  • Foster greater clinical breakthroughs with heightened insight into client responses
  • Be able to seamlessly pivot in therapy to techniques that best resonate with your clients

Best part… you get TWO FREE CE trainings on somatic therapy for childhood wounds and releasing relational trauma!

Join the lineage of Bessel's Trauma Center's most highly trained professionals…

Transform yourself into a top-tier trauma professional now!

Frank Anderson & Janina Fisher's Complex Trauma Treatment Masterclass
Demonstrations of IFS Therapy, Somatic, & Polyvagal Interventions

$759.88 ValueJust $199.99!
Plus, earn up to 17.25 CE Hours included in the course tuition.
Click here for Credit details | Click here for course objectives and outline

This product is not endorsed by, sponsored by, or affiliated with the IFS Institute and does not qualify for IFS Institute credits or certification.
Your Peers are Raving about this online course!

"Complex concepts beautifully simplified."
— Cynthia B., Counselor/Psychotherapist
"Both presenters are excellent teachers with a wealth of clinical knowledge. They complemented each other and both were very approachable. I loved the video clips. It helped renew my energy in the trauma-focused work I do every day."
— Lori G., LCSW
"The presenters were excellent. I learned much more than I was expecting."
— Elisabeth T., Psychologist
"Great seminar. Got me thinking differently and approaching clients in a different manner. I've begun implementing some of the techniques and psychoeducation and have already noted progress with my clients."
— Haley M., psychologist
"This was the best CE course I have taken. I would attend future learning opportunities with both of these experts again!"
— Laura F., Child/Adolescent Social Worker
Master Class Outline
Start this course by diving deep into the contributions of Frank and Janina, two pioneers in the field. Explore how Janina's expertise in somatic, polyvagal, and parts work strategies addresses complex clinical challenges, with Frank joining in to pose thought-provoking questions. Then, learn from Frank as he shares his groundbreaking work with Internal Family Systems Therapy, while Janina adds depth with her integrative insights. Finally, discover how both approaches can be used for inner child healing. You'll leave with advanced skills and hands-on experience to elevate your practice!
Janina Fisher's Integrative Somatic, Polyvagal, & Parts Work for Complex PTSD and Dissociation Stabilization

Janina leads an exploration of treating "the living legacy of trauma" that brings together somatic, polyvagal, and parts work techniques with her Trauma-Informed Stabilization Treatment (TIST) framework. Understand the neurobiology of the trauma response, including how it impacts both the brain and body.

Real-Client Demonstration
  • Janina works with client Sharon exploring deeply rooted suicidality and depression. See how Janina navigates Sharon's "confusion" and conflicting parts. Janina demonstrates asking curious, adaptable, and compassionate questions that help Sharon heal underlying trauma. Experience Janina's warm humbleness as she comments on her own missteps in therapy and explores with Frank the best possible responses to facilitate healing and wholeness.
Skill Acquisition
  • Client-friendly language to talk about dissociation
  • Dialogues and questions to increase client awareness
  • Use curiosity-based inquiry to go deeper into trauma
  • Help clients reframe their "parts" as heroes, wounded children deserving safety, and bring empathy to all parts
  • Help clients facilitate communication between their inner parts
  • Script examples to speak directly to your client's inner parts
  • Learn the 5-Step Unblending Protocol to help clients resolve inner conflict
  • Repair attachment ruptures with 4 crucial “befriending” questions
  • Increase interpersonal communication with 6 engagement questions
Frank Anderson's Internal Family Systems Therapy Framework for Complex Trauma, Dissociation, and Rewiring Implicit Memories

Frank begins with an in-depth practical overview of the IFS therapy model, including key assumptions and pillars of treatment. Explore the most common inner parts and how to work with them. Clearly understand the goals of working with protective parts, so you can more deeply access client wounds. Get step-by-step instructions on overcoming the biggest roadblocks to IFS therapy.

Real-Client Demonstration
  • Frank does 'direct access' with client Sharon to overcome resistance and shutdown. You'll experience step-by-step how Frank gains permission from Sharon's inner parts to dive deeper into her trauma wounds. See how to compassionately work with client resistance, turning it into openness that facilitates healing.
Skill Acquisition
  • Notice collective energy shifts within clients and within yourself
  • What to do when YOUR parts get activated in session
  • Shift hyperarousal and extreme activation to soothing states
  • Dialogues that speak directly to parts to manage client overwhelm
  • Make compassionate suggestions to affirm clients in overcoming shutdown and dissociation
  • Help clients redirect energy away from defenses toward freedom and possibility
Janina & Frank's Framework for Healing Childhood Trauma

Janina and Frank bring together an integrative perspective as they facilitate inner child healing. Enhance your ability to help clients repair childhood attachment trauma through compassion, increasing somatic engagement, and helping clients recognize all emotions. See and discuss transference and countertransference as it helps to affirm clients' inner child parts.

Real-Client Demonstration
  • Janina works with a successful businesswoman in her sixties who discloses childhood trauma. The client notices that she becomes "very hard" and receives feedback that she's "mean" from family members. Janina facilitates helping this client let go of her defensive body armor — see immediate shifts in affect and physical unburdening of tightness and pain.
Skill Acquisition
  • Specific questions for connection to the client's inner child
  • Addressing 'body armor' and gently dismantling it
  • Access clients' wisest mind to help them meet their inner child's needs
  • Affirming client's ability to offer reparative experiences to their parts
  • Develop internal communication with traumatized child parts
  • Help clients tap into “spontaneous compassion” for their inner child
Frank Anderson & Janina Fisher's Complex Trauma Treatment Masterclass
Demonstrations of IFS Therapy, Somatic, & Polyvagal Interventions

$759.88 ValueJust $199.99!
Plus, earn up to 17.25 CE Hours included in the course tuition.
Click here for Credit details | Click here for course objectives and outline

This product is not endorsed by, sponsored by, or affiliated with the IFS Institute and does not qualify for IFS Institute credits or certification.
Over $300 Value, included when you register!
Releasing the Pain of Relational Trauma with Frank Anderson
Some clients don't want to forgive their abusers, even after they've severed all ties. Others hold onto anger and resentment but stay in unhealthy relationships. In this session, Frank explores different dimensions of forgiveness so that you can help guide your clients toward true acceptance and freedom. You'll discover how to help clients:
  • Release the wounds that another has caused, so they're freed to no longer carry the trauma inside
  • Heal and name their internal wounds by learning to speak up for what they know to be true
  • Determine whether forgiveness may be helpful for them to fully heal from relational violations
Somatic Therapy for Childhood Wounds with Janina Fisher
The loss of a safe and loving childhood may not be an obvious one, but therapists know the cost to their clients when it's not acknowledged. When left unprocessed, the intense pain of grief often leads to anger, either towards their attachment figures or themselves. In this session, you'll discover Janina Fisher's mindfulness-based somatic approach that:
  • Uses the body to achieve the optimal levels of sadness needed to process grief
  • Increases our clients' ability to not only tolerate grief but befriend it in order to live at peace with losses from childhood
  • Diminishes the effects of isolation and loneliness in the past and present
Available for Immediate Access when you register now!
Meet Leading Traumatologists, Dr. Janina Fisher & Dr. Frank Anderson

Janina Fisher
Janina Fisher, PhD, is A licensed clinical psychologist and former instructor at The Trauma Center, a research and treatment center founded by Bessel van der Kolk.

Janina's bestselling and celebrated book Healing the Fragmented Selves of Trauma Survivors is a treasured resource amongst therapists at all stages of their careers.

Janina has been a co-developer of Sensorimotor Psychotherapy and enhanced the practice of Somatic therapy, Parts Work, and Polyvagal theory.

Dr. Fisher lectures and teaches nationally and internationally on topics related to the integration of neurobiological research and newer trauma treatment paradigms into traditional therapeutic modalities. Dr. Fisher has been treating individuals, couples, and families for more than 45 years.

Click here for information about Janina Fisher

Frank Anderson
Frank Anderson, MD, a Harvard-trained psychiatrist who worked at Bessel van der Kolk's Trauma Center, has dedicated his career to further the treatment of trauma and dissociation. He's done incredible work enhancing Internal Family Systems therapy, making it accessible and easy for therapists to use. He even co-authored the Internal Family Systems Skills Training Manual, a seminal publication for therapists practicing IFS Therapy.

Frank's beloved book Transcending Trauma: Healing Complex PTSD with Internal Family Systems has been a cherished resource for therapists everywhere. His latest publication, To Be Loved, is celebrated by both clinicians and clients.

Click here for information about Frank Anderson
Frequently Asked Questions

A "masterclass" refers to training given by someone with expert-level knowledge and skill in a particular area. In the case of this specific training, what you'll get that's different from many other courses is seeing Dr. Frank Anderson and Dr. Janina Fisher not only showcasing their real-client sessions but also pausing to talk about what was going through their minds. From this type of in-depth training, you'll pick up practical clinical insights, learn various techniques for client problems, see how to manage missteps in session, and much more.

Learning from a masterclass is a true game-changer for many therapists!

If you can't be in the therapy room with a highly skilled practitioner, the next best thing is learning from their recorded sessions. Since the beginning of psychotherapy, clinicians have learned through demonstrations, and "observation hours" have continued to be required training in most graduate programs. Learning from in-session demonstrations helps clinicians, across the entirety of their careers, learn to pivot during sessions, explore new ways of asking questions, repair therapeutic missteps, and see new avenues for using key techniques.

Not only that, but most therapists also find that this type of learning reinvigorates their sense of passion for providing the highest standard of therapy!

This course is for mental health professionals who want in-depth training and knowledge from outstanding voices in psychotherapy. Whether you are new in your career or a distinguished practitioner, this training will provide clinical insights and modality-focused training in IFS Therapy, Somatic, Polyvagal, and Parts Work approaches, and you'll see exactly how these approaches can complement one another.

Immediately when you register, you'll have unlimited access to all on-demand video content, slides, and all other course materials and resources!
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Register for this intensive training course without risk. If you're not completely satisfied, give us a call at 800-844-8260.

We’re that confident you'll find this learning experience to be all that's promised and more than you expected.
Frank Anderson & Janina Fisher's Complex Trauma Treatment Masterclass
Demonstrations of IFS Therapy, Somatic, & Polyvagal Interventions

$759.88 ValueJust $199.99!
Plus, earn up to 17.25 CE Hours included in the course tuition.
Click here for Credit details | Click here for course objectives and outline

This product is not endorsed by, sponsored by, or affiliated with the IFS Institute and does not qualify for IFS Institute credits or certification.

NOTE: No additional discounts or coupons may be applied to this course.

This product is not endorsed by, sponsored by, or affiliated with the IFS Institute and does not qualify for IFS Institute credits or certification.
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