- The nature of human suffering
- "Healthy normality" is a myth
- Language: The double-edged sword
- Undermine unhelpful thoughts
- Aiming for psychological flexibility and why
- The ACT hexagon model
- Strengthening a willingness to have emotions
- The opposite of acceptance is experiential avoidance
- Experiential avoidance throughout the lifespan
- Why acceptance is important
- Case example: Teenage shyness & hoarding
- Look at thoughts rather than from thoughts
- Deal with automatic thoughts
- The power of words
- The problem with cognitive fusion
- Address CBT-based disputation techniques with defusion
- "Taking your mind for a walk" exercise
- Case example: Eating disorders & social phobia
- Understand the “Self” in ACT
- Self-as-content, self-as-perspective, self-as-context
- Observer self-exercise
- Deal with identity issues
- Case examples related to PTSD & childhood sexual trauma
- Contacting the present moment
- Why being in the here-and-now is critical for mental health
- Relationship between mindlessness and psychopathology
- Meditation, mindfulness, and mindful action
- Exercises for mindful action
- Case example: Anger, personality disorders, alcoholism
- The positive side of language
- Identifying core values
- Differentiate values and goals
- Writing values-based treatment goals
- The ethics of values clarification
- Establishing the lifeline
- Case example: Heroin addiction, bipolar disorder
- Define “commitment” objectively
- Integrate evidence-based therapy with ACT
- Develop ACT-based behavior therapy treatment plans
- Improve behavioral activation with ACT
- Accelerate exposure therapy with ACT
- Case example: Depression, agoraphobia
- Hexaflex model for psychological flexibility
- Ask the “ACT Question” for self-help and case conceptualization
- Inflexahex model: Diagnosis from an ACT approach
- Case example: Obsessive-compulsive disorder
- Social skills training
- Applied Behavior Analysis
- Inpatient treatment programs systems
- Exposure and ritual prevention
- Behavioral activation
- Parent management training
- Executive coaching
- ACT simplified
- Passengers on the bus: The classic ACT group exercise
- How ACT can make you a better therapist
- Children and adolescents
- Acute, florid hallucinations
- Catatonic depression
- Individuals with an adverse reaction to mindfulness exercises