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*CE credit and certificate of completion are available for an additional cost.
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Free Live Virtual Event

Changing the ADHD Brain: Moving Beyond Medication

October 18th from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Central
Can't attend live? Register anyway for 14-day free access to the training!
*CE credit and certificate of completion are available for an additional cost. Register for more information.

THIS TRAINING will provide you with the tools and knowledge to develop an integrative approach to working with children and adults!

By understanding the way (brains with and without ADHD function), you’ll better identify a variety of neurodivergent-affirming strategies to significantly impact the nervous system and better manage ADHD symptoms in your clients.

You’ll learn dozens of “bottom-up” and “top-down” approaches and strategies to help clients:
  • Calm the nervous system
  • Quiet and focus the brain
  • Reduce anxiety and shame
  • Overcome perfectionism
  • And much more!

  • Neurodiversity affirming – top-down, bottom-up approaches
  • The BIG 5 non-medical supports for the distracted brain
  • Safety and efficacy of non-medication treatments
  • ADHD look a like symptoms in your clients
  • Impact of exercise, sleep and diet on ADHD
  • The latest research on the brain’s response to non-medication strategies

  • 1 full day of live interactive expert-led training (a $249.99 value)
  • On-demand access to the recording for 14 days
  • Interactive Q&A
  • The complete set of course materials
  • CE Upgrades available

Take advantage of this opportunity to integrate an appreciation and affirmation of neurodivergence in your clients with brain-based differences. 

Don’t wait to secure your FREE spot – this training may not be offered again!  

Register now!

Free Live Virtual Event

Changing the ADHD Brain: Moving Beyond Medication

October 18th from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Central
Can't attend live? Register anyway for 14-day free access to the training!
*CE credit and certificate of completion are available for an additional cost. Register for more information.
Here's what you'll learn...


Why Not Medication?
  • Useful as a short-term tool
  • Concerns with long-term use: Effects on the brain
ADHD and the “Immature” Brain
  • Brain imaging evidence of ADHD
  • Research regarding ADHD brain development
  • Frontal lobes mature more slowly in the ADHD brain
  • Excess theta brainwaves
  • Implications for treatment
Movement-Based Strategies
  • Wake up an underaroused ADHD brain
  • Hyperactivity as an adaptive mechanism
  • The impact of play and exercise on the brain
  • Role of rhythm and timing training
  • Integrated movement systems for ADHD
Frontal Lobe/Working Memory Strategic Tools
  • Use it or lose it: Increase memory, attention, and focus
  • Games for impulse control and working memory
  • Computerized cognitive training programs
  • Meditation and mindfulness for ADHD
  • Neurofeedback
Diet and Nutrition
  • The impact of sugars, fats, proteins, and water
  • Diet and dopamine
  • Omega 3-6-9: What you need to know for brain health
  • Multivitamins/minerals: Do they make a difference?
  • Gluten, food additives, and pesticides
ADHD and Nervous System Overstimulation
  • ”Overaroused” subtype of ADHD
  • Stress, anxiety, and ADHD: the connection
  • Breathwork and movement for nervous system calming
  • Heart rate variability biofeedback
  • Art therapy techniques to quiet and focus the brain
Environmental Influences
  • Video games and social media
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Same symptoms as ADHD
  • Strategies to help insomnia
  • Environmental toxins: lead, phthalates, pollution
  • The impact of time in nature on ADHD symptoms
Limitations of the Research and Potential Risks

  1. Evaluate the relationship between the frontal lobe of the brain and ADHD symptomology for the purpose of client psychoeducation.
  2. Determine the impact of movement and exercise on the reduction of ADHD symptoms as it relates to assessment and treatment planning.
  3. Employ treatment interventions for improving impulse control and working memory in clients.
  4. Analyze the influence of diet and nutrition on ADHD symptoms in relation to assessment and treatment planning.
  5. Develop clinical strategies to calm the nervous system of clients diagnosed with ADHD.
  6. Assess the clinical implications of environmental influences on ADHD symptoms in clients.

Target Audience

  • Counselors
  • Social Workers
  • Psychologists
  • Marriage and Family Therapists
  • Speech-Language Pathologists
  • Teachers
  • School Administrators
  • Addiction Counselors
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Occupational Therapy Assistants
  • Nurses
  • Physicians
  • Other Helping Professionals who Work with Children
And you'll learn it from...
David Nowell

David Nowell, PhD, is a clinical neuropsychologist in private practice in Northborough, Massachusetts. He offers consultations to patients on an inpatient rehabilitation unit and is an adjunct instructor in neuropsychology to graduate students in the Clark University psychology program. He serves as a physician advisor with the University of Massachusetts Medical School Disability Evaluation Service where he was the former clinical director of the Learning Disability Assessment Program. Dr. Nowell writes a popular blog at Psychology Today on motivation and time management, and speaks internationally to clinicians on such topics as executive functioning, non-medication management of ADHD and applying findings from Positive Psychology.

Click here for information about David Nowell
Here’s Why People LOVE This Training and Dr. David Nowell!

"As someone who has co-chaired many national conventions, I must say that Dr. Nowell is one of the most engaging and most knowledgeable speakers I have seen. What a fantastic speaker!" — Allan B.

"This was, hands-down, the best workshop/webinar I've attended for ADHD. I actually watched it twice because I wanted to be sure that I didn't miss a thing!" — Katie V.

"Funny, engaging, interesting, knowledgeable.” — Sarah O.

"Excellent course. Dr. Nowell was engaging and dynamic, making it easy (and actually FUN) to embrace course material. Wonderful." — Ashley M.

"Dr. Nowell was an extremely energizing facilitator with an obvious and superlative grasp of language. Excellent!!!" — Douglas F.

"Dr. Nowell provided a wealth of strategies to use with ADHD clients.” — Lauren H.

Your training, your way!
Attend Live!

Attend live on October 18 with option to purchase live CE credit.

14 Days Free

By signing up, you get free 14-day access to watch the recording without CE credit.

Can't Attend?

No problem, for just $59.99, you can get unlimited access with CE included!

Free Live Virtual Event

Changing the ADHD Brain: Moving Beyond Medication

October 18th from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Central
Can't attend live? Register anyway for 14-day free access to the training!
*CE credit and certificate of completion are available for an additional cost. Register for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions

No catch. Over the last few years, thanks to the generosity of our expert speakers and the support of therapists like you, we've had the amazing opportunity to provide professional training to more therapists than ever.

Because ADHD is something all therapists need to know about, we wanted to pull together the very best of the best into an exclusive 1-day training that’s accessible to all therapists. It helps the field and in turn, helps us fulfill our mission.

Just register today above with your name and email, then click the "LIVE CE" button on the next page to purchase your credit package for just $69.99 (discounted from $249.99) — only available for those who register here and purchase before the end of the training.

Yes! Just register above and then click the "Self Study" CE button on the next page and purchase the recording package. You'll get unlimited access to the training and will be able to earn self-study CE.

Yes! The full recording package (that includes up to 6 self-study CE hours) is just $59.99, offered ONLY for those who register here until the end of the training. Just register today above with your name and email, then click the "Self-Study" CE button that includes unlimited access to all the recordings, plus self-study CE credits.

YES! You'll be able to engage with the presenter and chat with colleagues throughout each presentation.

Yes! You get unlimited replay access for 14 days after the training. Replays will be available within the week after the training ends and will be in the same place where the live sessions took place in your account portal.
Free Live Virtual Event

Changing the ADHD Brain: Moving Beyond Medication

October 18th from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Central
Can't attend live? Register anyway for 14-day free access to the training!
*CE credit and certificate of completion are available for an additional cost. Register for more information.

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*If you purchase Live CE, please note you would need to watch the presentations that are being presented live in order to receive live credit.

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