- Understanding the relationship between domestic abuse, narcissism and coercive control
- The common signs of coercive control... plus signs you are likely to miss
- The impact of coercive control on the family system
- How coercive control infiltrates systems
Module 2: Dynamics of Coercive Control
- Common characteristics of a Coercive Controller
- Who is being controlled?
- The most common methods of abuse
- Distinguishing the abuser and the abused... and why it can be so hard to tell the difference
Module 3: Treatment Part 1: Before you Begin
- What every therapist needs to know about working with coercive control
- The most common ways coercive control can impact your clinical judgment and what you can do to protect yourself against it
- When to consult and how to find the right consultation
- Managing countertransference
- The resources you need to know to support your clients
Module 4: Treatment Part 2: Navigating the Domestic Abuse Process
- Best practices begin with recognizing the abuse
- How to assess relationships for domestic and narcissistic abuse
- How to raise the topic with client: Guidance for individual and couples' therapists
- How to “ungaslight” your client
- Helping clients manage anxiety and self-doubt
- Safety planning and preparing for the risks of escape
- Helping your client to gain agency after years of gaslighting and diminishing behaviors
Module 5: Treatment Part 3: From Victim to Survivor: Trauma Treatment and Beyond
- Recommendation for trauma-focused treatment
- How to know when someone begins processing the fallout of the abuse
- Risks of the work and how to best protect yourself
- Limitations to the research
- Identify Coercive Control and the tactics used by Coercive Controllers [abusers] to harm adult and child victims.
- Examine the implications of Systemic Coercive Control and the harms inflicted on to victims and survivors.
- Recognize trauma responses to domestic violence, narcissistic abuse and coercive control in the clinical presentation of victims and survivors.
- Determine the differences between the personality traits of coercive controllers and their victims.
- Utilize a trauma-informed approach to overcoming self-doubt and the effects of gaslighting when working with victims and survivors.
- Summarize current best practices for supporting victims and survivors of domestic violence, narcissistic abuse and coercive control.