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Live Free Virtual Training

EMDR Interventions for Recent Trauma Recovery with Dr. Laurel Parnell:
Proven Techniques for the Immediate Aftermath of Traumatic Events

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 • 11:00 AM– 3:00 PM CDT
Can't attend live? Register anyway for 14-day free access to the training!
*CE credits and certificate of completion are available for an additional cost. Register for more information.
A Personal Invitation from Dr. Laurel Parnell

Dear colleague,

Like you, I've been deeply impacted by the ongoing struggles in our world, and my heart goes out to all who are suffering.

During these times of war, upheaval, and distress, our colleagues have been asking for new skills to help their clients – especially those facing ongoing traumatic experiences.

That's why I developed these powerful EMDR techniques to use as first-aid care, so we can help clients get out of the loop of recollecting their traumatic experience, prevent them from being terrorized by trauma triggers, and help our clients move forward feeling safe and clear-minded.

These easy-to-learn techniques have been used successfully with survivors of war, fire, earthquakes, shootings, hurricanes, pandemic trauma, motor vehicle accidents and other traumatic experiences

… and I'm confident they will equip you to provide the healing care your clients need in the immediate aftermath of a traumatic experience.

I look forward to you joining me for this free workshop, where we can work together to provide the trauma healing that our clients and our world so badly need right now.


Laurel Parnell, PhD
Director of the Parnell Institute for Attachment-Focused EMDR

Live Workshop Schedule
11:00 AM – 3:00 PM CDT

Sign up for this free workshop today and get access to simple EMDR techniques you can use right away to provide rapid relief after recent traumatic experiences.

Plus, Laurel Parnell will provide resources and skills for you as the therapist to take care of yourself and avoid vicarious trauma – so you can be the confident and able healer your clients can depend on.

Workshop breakdown:

  • Understanding the challenges and opportunities within the immediate aftermath of trauma 
  • Identifying the client’s trauma response type 
  • Applying the EMDR Resource Tapping technique to calm anxiety and reduce distress 
  • Step-by-step guidance on resource tapping with clients who withdraw and with clients need to talk through trauma 
  • Working with children who’ve experienced trauma 
  • Providing client resources to use after the therapy session 

There will be 1 break mid-program.

On-Demand replay of the event will be available 24 hours after the event ends.

Live Free Virtual Training

EMDR Interventions for Recent Trauma Recovery with Dr. Laurel Parnell:
Proven Techniques for the Immediate Aftermath of Traumatic Events

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 • 11:00 AM– 3:00 PM CDT
Can't attend live? Register anyway for 14-day free access to the training!
*CE credits and certificate of completion are available for an additional cost. Register for more information.
See what your colleagues are saying about Laurel Parnell's incredible trainings!

"Dr. Parnell is an excellent, engaging, dynamic presenter."

"All of Laurel’s suggestions were spot on and really increased my sense of competence in helping clients resolve the effects of complex PTSD through her creative and client-centered use of EMDR techniques."

"After listening to Dr. Parnell’s Tele-consultation on Abreaction and Dissociation, I feel so much more confident and able to safely, effectively, thoughtfully and respectfully work with my clients. Thank you so much!"

"Laurel has done an amazing job of teaching the basics of tapping into your resources to help with anxiety, depression, and so many other issues!! Highly recommend!!!"

"Regardless of whether you are just getting into EMDR or have been practicing for some time, I would HIGHLY suggest Laurel Parnell’s trainings."

Laurel Parnell

Laurel Parnell, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and director of the Parnell Institute for Attachment-Focused EMDR. One of the world's leading experts on Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), she is the originator of the EMDR-related therapies Attachment-Focused EMDR and Resource Tapping. Dr. Parnell has served on the faculty of the California Institute for Integral Studies and John F. Kennedy University. She is the author of several books and videos on EMDR, including, Attachment-Focused EMDR: Healing Relational Trauma, Rewiring the Addicted Brain with EMDR-Based Treatment, A Therapist's Guide to EMDR, and Tapping In.. Dr. Parnell keynotes conferences, trains clinicians in EMDR, and teaches workshops internationally on Attachment-Focused EMDR, Rewiring the Addicted Brain and Resource Tapping.

Click here for information about Laurel Parnell
Live Free Virtual Training

EMDR Interventions for Recent Trauma Recovery with Dr. Laurel Parnell:
Proven Techniques for the Immediate Aftermath of Traumatic Events

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 • 11:00 AM– 3:00 PM CDT
Can't attend live? Register anyway for 14-day free access to the training!
*CE credits and certificate of completion are available for an additional cost. Register for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions

No catch. Dr. Laurel Parnell is one of the most in-demand and knowledgeable experts, and that's why we've asked her to join us for this exclusive free webinar where she'll provide her latest insights to help therapists throughout the world.

Thanks to the generosity of our expert speakers and the support of therapists like you, we've had the amazing opportunity to provide professional training to more therapists than ever.

Yes! The full recording package (that includes up to 4 self-study CE hours) is just $49.99, offered ONLY for those who register here until the end of the webinar on October 15. After that, the price is set at $199.99.

Just register today above with your name and email, then click the "Self Study" CE button that includes unlimited access to all the recordings, plus self-study CE credits.

Just register today above with your name and email, then click the "LIVE CE" button on the next page to purchase your credit package for just $49.99 (discounted from $199.99) — only available for those who register here and purchase before the end of the webinar.

Yes! Just register above and then click the "Self Study" CE button on the next page and purchase the recording package. You'll get unlimited access to the workshop and be able to earn self-study CE at any time in the future.

Yes! This webinar is completely LIVE, and you'll be able to engage with Dr. Laurel Parnell throughout the presentation.

Yes! You get unlimited replay access for 14 days after the workshop. Replays will be available within the week after the workshop ends and will be in the same place where the live sessions took place in your account portal.

Psychotherapy Networker is a non-profit educational organization. For over 47 years, we have featured the leading researchers, innovators, and developers in the field through our award-winning magazine, CE trainings, and our annual Symposium.

Our focus is on telling the stories of psychotherapy and being a place where clinicians of all licenses and backgrounds who practice psychotherapy can keep up on what's happening in the field, hear captivating stories from colleagues on what's really happening in their practices, learn through CE trainings from the best in the field, and enjoy the most celebrated annual gathering of psychotherapists in the world each year in March in Washington, D.C.!

Live Free Virtual Training

EMDR Interventions for Recent Trauma Recovery with Dr. Laurel Parnell:
Proven Techniques for the Immediate Aftermath of Traumatic Events

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 • 11:00 AM– 3:00 PM CDT
Can't attend live? Register anyway for 14-day free access to the training!
*CE credits and certificate of completion are available for an additional cost. Register for more information.

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*If you purchase Live CE, please note you would need to watch the presentations that are being presented live in order to receive live credit.

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