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Healing the Traumatized Self: Consciousness, Neuroscience, Treatment

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Ruth Lanius, MD, PhD, FRCPC |  Paul Frewen, PhD, CPsych
Publication Date:
Apr 20, 2015
W.W. Norton
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A neurobiological explanation of self-awareness and the states of mind of severely traumatized people.

Cultivation of emotional awareness is difficult, even for those of us not afflicted by serious mental illness. This book discusses the neurobiology behind emotional states and presents exercises for developing self awareness. Topics include mood (both unipolar and bipolar), anxiety (particularly PTSD), and dissociative disorders. Frewen and Lanius comprehensively review psychological and neurobiological research, and explain how to use this research to become aware of emotional states within both normal and psychopathological functioning. Therapists will be able to help survivors of trauma, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, and dissociative disorders develop emotional awareness. The book also includes case studies, detailed instructions for clinicians, and handouts ready for use in assessment/therapy with patients/clients.

35 illustrations, 12 pages of color



Ruth Lanius, MD, PhD, FRCPC's Profile

Ruth Lanius, MD, PhD, FRCPC Related seminars and products

Ruth Lanius, MD, PhD, FRCPC, Professor of Psychiatry, is the director of the posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) research unit at the University of Western Ontario. She established the Traumatic Stress Service and the Traumatic Stress Service Workplace Program, services that specialize in the treatment and research of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and related comorbid disorders. She currently holds the Harris-Woodman Chair in Mind-Body Medicine at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry at the University of Western Ontario.

Her research interests focus on studying the neurobiology of PTSD and treatment outcome research examining various pharmacological and psychotherapeutic methods. She has authored more than 100 published papers and chapters in the field of traumatic stress and is currently funded by several federal funding agencies. She regularly lectures on the topic of PTSD nationally and internationally She has recently published a book The Impact of Early Life Trauma on Health and Disease with Eric Vermetten and Clare Pain.

Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Dr. Ruth Lanius has employment relationships with Western University of Canada, McMaster University, St. Joseph's Health Care, University of Western Ontario, Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research, London Health Sciences Centre, Robarts Research Institute, and the Lawson Health Research Institute. She receives grants from the National Defence (Canada), the Academica Medical Organization of Southwestern Ontario, the Trauma Research Foundation, and the Canadian Institute of Health Research. Dr. Lanius receives royalties as a published author. She receives a speaking honorarium, recording, and book royalties from PESI, Inc. She has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Non-financial: Dr. Ruth Lanius is a fellow with the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, a member of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation, the New York Academy of Sciences, and the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. She is a journal reviewer for several publications, to see a complete list contact PESI, Inc.

Paul Frewen, PhD, CPsych's Profile

Paul Frewen, PhD, CPsych Related seminars and products

Paul A. Frewen, PhD, CPsych, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, University of Western Ontario; Chair, Traumatic Stress Section, Canadian Psychological Association. Author of 45 papers on trauma, affect regulation, mindfulness, dissociation, and the self. Co-author, Healing the Traumatized Self: Consciousness, Neuroscience & Treatment.

Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Paul Frewen has employment relationships with London Health Sciences Centre, Lawson Health Research Institute, and the University of Western Ontario. He receives royalties as a published author. Paul Frewen receives a speaking honorarium, recording royalties, and book royalties from PESI, Inc. He has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Non-Financial: Paul Frewen is a member of the Traumatic Stress Section, Canadian Psychological Association.


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