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R Alan Powell, JD

R. Alan Powell, JD received his Juris Doctorate from the University of South Carolina School of Law, and his undergraduate degree also from the University of South Carolina.  Mr. Powell is General Counsel for the South Carolina Department of Mental Health (SCDMH).  Mr. Powell supervises the Office of General Counsel, including its several attorneys, law clerks, SCDMH Risk Manager, and related administrative personnel.  Mr. Powell otherwise advises and represents SCDMH, its officials and employees, facilities, and programs statewide.

Mr. Powell has presented numerous seminars for SCDMH staff and other public agencies, as well as the S.C. Association of Counties, S.C. Hospital Association, S.C. Bar Association, S.C. Probate Judges Association, S.C. Criminal Justice Academy, S.C. Sheriffs Association, and local hospitals.  Mr. Powell has provided training through SCETV broadcasts and the SCDMH/USC “Emergency Department Crisis Stabilization Training” DVD Series. 

Mr. Powell also serves as Assistant Professor, Department of Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral Science, University of South Carolina School of Medicine.  In this capacity, Mr. Powell provides instruction to residents, students and fellows on medical-legal topics in forensic, emergency, child and adolescent, and general psychiatry and behavioral health. 

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