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Amy Skinder-Meredith, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Clinical Associate Professor

Amy Skinder-Meredith, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, received her doctorate from the University of Washington and her M.S. from the University of Arizona. She is an associate clinical professor at Washington State University in Spokane. She is an experienced clinician who has worked in the public school, hospital, and private practice settings. Her primary clinical and research interest is in children with motor speech disorders, and she has published and presented her research on childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) at national conferences. She is investigating the phonological awareness and early reading skills of children with CAS and developing treatment efficacy studies for various CAS treatment techniques Dr. Skinder-Meredith has given numerous workshops for practicing speech-language pathologists across the country on assessment and treatment of CAS.

Speaker Disclosures: 

Financial: Amy Skinder-Meredith is employed by Washington State University.  She receives a speaking honorarium and royalties from the Childhood Apraxia Association of North America.  She receives a speaking honorarium from  She receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc.  She has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Non-financial: Amy Skinder-Meredith is on the professional advisory board for the Childhood Apraxia Association of North America and 

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