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2201 - The Ethics of Touch in Child Psychotherapy & Play Therapy

Created: 08/06/2015
Price: $129.99 - Standard

2204 - Ethics in an Age of Informality: Protecting Yourself When Boundaries Blur

Price: $214.99 Normal Price: Standard - $608.99

2208 - Neurofeedback with Bessel van der Kolk, MD

Created: 04/23/2015
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2211 - Unlocking the Mystery of Selective Mutism and Social Anxiety

Created: 03/19/2015
Price: $249.99 - Standard

2213 - Art Therapy and Anxiety: Healing Through Imagery

Created: 02/04/2015
Price: $249.99 - Standard

2215 - DBT in Action: In-Session Client Demonstration

Created: 01/01/2015
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2216 - Attachment-Focused EMDR to Heal a Relationship Trauma

Created: 01/01/2015
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2218 - Attachment-Focused EMDR for an Eating Disorder

Created: 01/01/2015
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2219 - Sex Made Simple

Clinical Strategies for Sexual Issues in Therapy

Price: $19.99 - Standard

2220 - Relapse Prevention Counseling

Clinical Strategies to Guide Addiction Recovery and Reduce Relapse

Price: $26.99 - Standard

2221 - Behavior Management Skills Guide

Practical Activities & Interventions for Ages 3-18

Price: $24.99 - Standard

2222 - Antisocial, Borderline, Narcissistic and Histrionic Workbook

Treatment Strategies for Cluster B Personality Disorders

Price: $29.99 - Standard

2223 - The Whole-Brain Child Workbook

Practical Exercises, Worksheets and Activities to Nurture Developing Minds

Price: $29.99 - Standard

2224 - Multicultural Counseling Workbook

Exercises, Worksheets & Games to Build Rapport with Diverse Clients

Price: $29.99 - Standard

2225 - ADHD: Non-Medication Treatments and Skills for Children and Teens

A Workbook for Clinicians and Parents: 162 Tools, Techniques, Activities & Handouts

Price: $29.99 - Standard

2226 - Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training with Adolescents

A Practical Workbook for Therapists, Teens & Parents

Price: $29.99 - Standard

2229 - Sensorimotor Psychotherapy

Interventions for Trauma and Attachment

Price: $55.00 - Standard

2233 - 8 Keys to Parenting Children with ADHD

Price: $19.95 - Standard

2234 - The Body Keeps The Score

Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

Price: $19.00 - Standard

2236 - No Drama Discipline

Created: 12/06/2014
Price: $129.99 - Standard

2242 - Trauma Defined: Bessel van der Kolk on The Body Keeps the Score

Created: 09/02/2014
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2243 - Putting the Pieces Together: Trauma and Dissociation

Created: 07/17/2014
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2244 - iPad® Interventions for Occupational Therapists

Created: 06/20/2014
Price: $249.99 - Standard

2250 - Stabilizing Unsafe Behavior: Suicide & Self-Injury

Created: 06/02/2014
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2252 - ADHD & Emotion Regulation with Dr. Russell Barkley

Created: 05/13/2014
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2256 - Chronic Pain & Trauma

Created: 03/10/2014
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2260 - The Science of Trust and Betrayal with John Gottman, Ph.D.

Created: 02/20/2014
Price: $129.99 - Standard

2261 - Autism/Asperger's Conference With Keynote Speaker, Temple Grandin

Created: 02/14/2014
Price: $249.99 - Standard

2262 - The Polyvagal Theory: Demystifying the Body's Response to Trauma

Created: 02/14/2014
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2263 - Play, Play Therapy, and Games: Engage Children in Therapy

Created: 02/05/2014
Price: $129.99 - Standard

2264 - Attachment-Focused EMDR for Panic and Anxiety

Created: 01/01/2014
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2265 - Self-Regulation Interventions and Strategies

Keeping the Body, Mind & Emotions on Task in Children with Autism, ADHD or Sensory Disorders

Price: $26.99 - Standard

2266 - Couples Therapy Workbook

30 Guided Conversations to Re-Connect Relationships

Price: $29.99 - Standard

2267 - Overcoming Compassion Fatigue

A Practical Resilience Workbook

Price: $29.99 - Standard

2269 - Letting Go of Self-Destructive Behaviors

A Workbook of Hope and Healing

Price: $49.00 - Standard

2270 - Treating Self-Destructive Behaviors in Trauma Survivors

A Clinician's Guide, 2nd Edition

Price: $48.95 - Standard

2275 - Motivational Interviewing in Healthcare with Stephen Rollnick, Ph.D.

Created: 12/05/2013
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2278 - Art Therapy for Grief and Loss

Created: 09/10/2013
Price: $249.99 - Standard

2280 - Life After Loss: Contemporary Grief Counseling and Therapy

Created: 08/26/2013
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2281 - Compulsive Hoarding: Conceptualizing and Treating the Chaos

Created: 07/22/2013
Price: $249.99 - Standard

2283 - Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love and Wisdom

Created: 05/23/2013
Price: $249.99 - Standard

2287 - Traumatic Attachment and Affect Dysregulation with Janina Fisher, Ph.D.

Created: 03/20/2013
Price: $249.99 - Standard

2288 - Mindfulness Skills Workbook for Clinicians and Clients

111 Tools, Techniques, Activities & Worksheets

Price: $29.99 - Standard

2289 - 101 Trauma-Informed Interventions

Activities, Exercises and Assignments to Move the Client and Therapy Forward

Price: $36.99 - Standard

2290 - The Mindfulness Toolbox

50 Practical Tips, Tools & Handouts for Anxiety, Depression, Stress & Pain

Price: $29.99 - Standard

2291 - On Grief and Grieving

Price: $17.00 - Standard

2293 - Anxious Kids, Anxious Parents

7 Ways to Stop the Worry Cycle and Raise Courageous and Independent Children

Price: $14.95 - Standard

2294 - Shattered

Finding Hope and Healing through the Losses of Life

Price: $14.99 - Standard

2296 - Applications of the Adult Attachment Interview with Daniel Siegel, MD

Created: 09/12/2012
Price: $69.99 - Standard

2297 - EMDR & Beyond: The Trauma Power Therapies

Created: 08/23/2012
Price: $129.99 - Standard

2298 - Putting Attachment Theory into Practice

Price: $167.99 Normal Price: Standard - $239.99

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